Mobile In-Apps Marketing

An app is a business avenue to have direct access to the target audience or customers phones and other mobile devices. However, since most people can’t leave their houses with their phones. A business can easily execute or implement its digital coupons marketing campaigns in via an existing mobile app.  If a business does not have any mobile app, the business can create it own Mobile Coupon Directory app for the purpose of it digital coupon marketing efforts or activities, using the Royal Couponz platform.

Royal Couponz & Mobile In-App Marketing

Promotional Software

A business can create, distribute & validate customized digital mobile marketing campaigns.

Insightful Analytics

Insight analytics to provide meaningful overview data of various digital mobile marketing coupon campaigns.

Gamification Factor

Businesses can include gamification to their strategic marketing plan by implementing a digital gamified coupon campaign.


The various digital mobile marketing coupon campaigns of a business can be fully integrated into the website of  the business to increase conversion & boost sales.

Coupon App

A business can create a mobile coupon app that can be uploaded to the app stores. 


By ensuring a single use digital mobile marketing coupon campaign, prevent or coupon fraud & to ensure or protect authenticity of the money. 

Various Types of Digital Coupons

Loyalty Cards

A business can start a digital loyalty program to encourage or stimulate customers or target audience to come back to that business and reward repeat purchases.

Coupon Directory

A business can collate all its Digital Coupons, Vouchers and Loyalty Cards into one simple digital catalog. Easy to add or delete digital mobile coupons and deals; the business can encourage target audience or customers to share such a catalog .


Businesses can accept payments through Digital Vouchers; the customers or target audience will receives proof of the purchased value or unlocks a discount Coupon.


Businesses can increase or generate more in-store visits, trigger conversions and boost your sales by offering dazzling and appealing discount coupons to your target audience & customers.

Steps In Setting Up A Coupon Directory

A. Coupon Campaigns Creation

Create digital coupon marketing campaigns to be published in the coupon directory.

B. Add Coupon Campaigns To Coupon Directory

Include all your digital coupon campaigns to your coupon directory.

C. set up coupon directory settings

Set up the coupon directory settings  to include all your digital coupon.

d. publish coupon directory

Publish your coupon directory across all the necessary online and offline communication outlets.

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